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Virginia Association of Fundraising Executives

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VAFRE E-news, January 2025

Thank you to our Newsletter Sponsor!


Submit Your Proposal!

You are invited to propose a program for VAFRE’s monthly luncheon sessions. Luncheons are held in person in Richmond, with a hybrid option. Submissions are open to the public, regardless of membership status, and will be accepted on a rolling basis.

VAFRE’s mission is to equip fundraising professionals with the expertise, strategies, and networks to deliver lasting impact for an inclusive philanthropic community. Our goal for monthly meetings is to provide innovative and relevant programming that will appeal to members across all experience levels and fundraising disciplines. VAFRE is committed to becoming a more equitable organization by supporting diversity, equity, inclusion, and access initiatives.

In accordance with VAFRE’s values, we are offering an honorarium for all luncheon speakers. This policy is to ensure we continue to select a diverse array of speakers and avoid any bias or discrimination that favors presenters from more privileged backgrounds. We believe presenters should be compensated equally, regardless of their position, personal traits or prominence.

For complete details and to submit a proposal, click here


Thanks to our P3 Sponsors


VAFRE is proud to be a participating organization with CFRE International. Members receive a 20% discount on certification and recertification. 

Welcome New (& Returning) Members!

    • John Lindner,
      93 Octane
    • Kaitlin Rogers, Science Museum of Virginia
    • Danny Sterling, The Endowment Project Foundation

                      Log in to the Member Directory to access contact information for these and all members.


                      Not a VAFRE Member?

                      Join Now

                      Quarterly payment options and
                      scholarships available.


                      February 6th in Carytown

                      Join VAFRE for an informal Mix & Mingle on Thursday, February 6th from 8-9 a.m. at Capital One Cafe Carytown, 2933 W. Cary Street in Richmond. Grab a beverage and come mingle with other fundraising professionals in our community. We love meeting new people, so feel free to bring a friend!

                      This is a free event, but please register so we know how many to expect. Look forward to seeing you there!


                      Need Help with Your Dues?

                      The Susan Early Scholarship Fund is available to new and renewing VAFRE members to cover the cost of your dues. To apply for a scholarship, follow the link in the member application or, for current members, follow the link on the Members Only page.


                      Do You Need CFRE Credit?

                      Check out the recordings of our recent programs on the Members Only page of the website. Login now to view the virtual versions of our programs: from Giving Black to Demystifying Giving Circles, Using Data to Drive Campaign Success to Grant Writing with ChatGPT, it's all there for VAFRE members to take advantage of.

                      To Be or Not To Be: How to Decide When and Why to Put on an Event

                      Register today for this informative and timely program at the Virginia War Memorial. It will be held Tuesday, February 4, 2025, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

                      Guest panelists will discuss and help answer questions about event fundraising, including:

                      • How do you decide if a fundraiser is worth doing?
                      • How do you assess the time it will take to plan an event prior to beginning the process? 
                      • What tools do you use for assessment and planning?
                      • How do you keep your event budget low to increase return on investment?

                      Register for To Be or Not To Be: How to Decide When and Why to Put on an Event by clicking on the appropriate link for your attendance.

                      • Register for the In-Person session with lunch and pay $20 for members, $25 for nonmembers at a member organization, or $30 for guests. 
                      • Register for the Virtual session and pay $8 for members, $11 for nonmembers at a member organization, or $15 for nonmembers or guests. (See registration pages for additional details.)
                      We look forward to seeing you at this February event.


                      Award Nominations Open Through January

                      There is still time to nominate members of VAFRE and AFP-Central Virginia for special recognition. See featured awards and descriptions below. Remember, three new categories were added this year in response to the goals of our strategic plan. Each of the five award honorees will receive a complimentary one-year membership to VAFRE.

                      AWARD CATEGORIES

                      • Nina Abady Award: recognizes a fundraising professional who has demonstrated utmost excellence in the field of development
                      • Rising Star Award: recognizes a fundraising professional who exhibits excellent potential and who has demonstrated remarkable talents at an early stage in their fundraising career
                      • Innovation in Fundraising: recognizes a development professional, consultant, or team who demonstrates outstanding accomplishment in fundraising strategy in the previous year
                      • Leadership in Philanthropy: recognizes a development professional, consultant, or team who demonstrated a commitment to the future and sustainability of the profession in the previous year
                      • Nonprofit Excellence in Philanthropy: recognizes a nonprofit for extraordinary accomplishment in fundraising in the previous year

                      The Award Nomination Form is available now.

                      NOTE: VAFRE will accept nominations through January 31, 2025. We are celebrating the development profession with our partners in AFP-Central Virginia. Members of both organizations are eligible to receive the awards, and the awards committee includes members of both organizations.


                      Nominate Board Members for 2025/2026

                      The VAFRE Nominating Committee is seeking nominations to fill vacant positions for the Board of Directors for the 2025/2026 fiscal year. Now is the time to take your membership to the next level and make a commitment to VAFRE, or it's a great opportunity to nominate someone else for the Board. Nominations are needed by Friday, February 28, 2025. Each nominee will receive a Candidate Interest Form that must be completed to be considered for a position by the Nominating Committee. 

                      Eligibility and Term of Office: To be a director, you must be a member in good standing. Each elected Director shall take office on July 1, 2025, for a two-year term. Along with other Board members, each Director is responsible for determining VAFRE policies and supporting the mission of the organization. Time commitment includes a board meeting the first Tuesday of every other month (schedule variable until we can meet again in-person) and the time needed to complete the tasks of your board role.

                      The Board Nomination Form is available now.

                      Click here to read a general description of the Board qualifications, nomination process, and manner of conducting business as defined in the Policy Manual. You can also view the Board Job Descriptions from the Policy Manual.


                        Link Up with VAFRE on LINKEDIN

                        VAFRE has a Company page on LinkedIn: check it out to see what's happening with VAFRE

                        Also, members can join our LinkedIn group page and post items of interest to other members.

                        © 2022 Virginia Association of Fundraising Executives (VAFRE).
                        All rights reserved.
                        VAFRE • P.O. Box 6605 • Richmond, VA 23230
                        Office/Fax (804) 368-3398

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